Thursday, August 28, 2008


Now - it is all we have. We do not have yesterday. We do not have tomorrow. We do not have the next minute or second. We do not have the last minute or second. We have now. We have the present time, this point in the series of events, and as things are. There is not more that we can have. We spend so much time in the past and the future worrying about what has or what will happen. Those things have either happened and nothing can change them or they have not happened and nothing can change them. We get so out of whack worrying about tons of things we cannot control! What should we do?!

"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."
Matthew 6:34
So what is God doing right now in your life? I know what you want God to do. I know what you wished God would have done. However, what is God doing right now? God is always working right now. God is never not in the now. We actually get out in front of God, or we are left behind God. We miss God right now because we are thinking about anything but right now. Try it for a while. Try it for an hour or two, a day, a week. First notice how easy it is to be thinking about and focused on right now. Notice how all the worries that you have go away. People tell me all the time that it is so hard to live in the now, but really it is a hard life to live in your worries and fears. It is really simple and easy to live with only your attention on now. Trust in the now of God and allow to "help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." God is already there, already worked out a plan, there is no need for you to. Try it, what is the worst that can happen? You do not have to worry for a while?

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