Friday, August 08, 2008


Abundance is a mind set. Abundance is not the accumulation of things. Abundance is not a matter of having a whole bunch of stuff or money, is the mind set that you are already rich and have everything you need and available to you. It is your thoughts that make you abundant and give you abundance. When we realize that we do not have to strive for things, but can allow it to flow into our life - that everything is available to us as children of God - we are living in abundance. We are enlighted at this point in our lives and life looks so much different! There is a Zen proverb that says:

Before enlightenment
Chopping wood
Carrying water
After enlightenment
Chopping wood
Carrying water
This demonstrates that the "things" and work of life does not change once we realize that abundance is what we think and do. The work of our life looks much different and feels much different to us after we realize that abundance is a mindset.
People who realize this and live with this mindset focus on the fact that things are available and more comes into their lives. People who focus on scarity and the things they lack, that is what continues to come into their lives. We get what we think about whether we want it or not. So if we spend our day thinking about all the things we do not have and how they will never come to us, this is what will show up in our lives - nothing. If we spend our days knowing that we have whatever we will need for today and everyday, having faith that God will, this is what will show up - what we need. This is abundance. Jesus put it like this:
He replied, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.
Matthew 13:11-12
Abundance is faith. Abundance is the knowing that you are a child of God and all things are available to you. There is no need to strive, to make a million dollars, to have a bunch of stuff. You can have a billion dollars in the bank, but if all you do is think about how all the ways that you could lose it you are really poor. There is no abundance in this kind of thinking even though you have it all. Abundance is not hoping that I will get what I need, striving for it and then begging for it - it is knowing that whatever it is will come when needed and is available. Remember this today. You are abundance. You are a child of God and after this enlightenment your work and life may be the same in behavior, but it will look completely different to you. When you look and think about it differently you act differently. Change the way you think and things change.

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