Monday, November 10, 2008


How do you know when you are useful? How do you know when that you are being used for what your purpose is? There is a sign that lets us know we are doing what God would have us do and that we are living in the way of Jesus:

"You're blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God's kingdom.
"Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don't like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble.
"Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You've lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.

Matthew 5:10-13

I think that most people take this passage to mean that we need to speak out against evil in the world. That when you are speaking out against evil and people become offended by this you are doing exactly what God has asked of you and you are being the salt in the world. However, I would like to challange that notion. What if living the way of Jesus actually offends people who call themselves "christians" or "christ followers?" What happens when they attempt to discredit you?

I believe that the "God-flavors" of this earth are simple ones. The flavors that make life more full and worth living. They include - love, compassion, creativity, hope, faith, goodness, kindness, and service. These are the things that bring out the God flavors on this earth. These are the actions that bring a "full-flavor" to living for all! People feeling loved for who they are. People being treated and treating others with kindness. People being creative and using all they have been created with to glorify their Creator. People living with hope and inspiration. People serving one another out of love and compassion, rather than out of compulsion or duty.

However, to do this requires that a person begin to understand what lies deep in their heart- why they may judge others, why they only identify with a certian tribe, why they resist loving others, why they resist the idea of service, why they resist giving up ego. If a person has not looked deeply into themselves to discover these things and they confronted with a person who is living the way of Jesus - this may make "the truth too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable." If I am filled with anger, judgement, frustration, demanding that the world work in a certain way to please me, in short - ego - then I have lost my usefulness. There is no way to bring out the "God-flavors" of the earth with this kind of living, thinking, or attitude. It was not the way of Jesus. I have found that the more loving I become, the more accepting I become, the more I attempt to live the way of Jesus (I will never make it) the more people challanged their own thinking about their spiritual lives. However, I also find the more angry and frustrated others get when I do not share their views that we are here to demand that people live in a certain way. It challanges me to think. I think it may challange them, but in a way that is very uncomfortable because it requires a look at self.

You see, we all like to avoid looking at our self. We like to think we could be useful without having to do such a thing. Really, though, Jesus commanded it. Jesus words are all about looking at our inner self and changing that so that we could begin to change what is outside in the world. To bring out the God-flavors of the earth really requires for me to learn how to be salt. It requires me to learn how to make things taste flavorful, full, attractive, zestful, and lively. The way of Jesus was to be salt and to bring light. Jesus did this by service, love, compassion, creativity, kindness, hope, goodness, and faith. People were attracted to this. When we lift Jesus up like this he said that "I will draw everyone to myself." (John 12:32) It is challanging to have to really look at our heart, our self and change. It is uncomfortable.

Love today. If someone does not like it be glad for Jesus does. You are bringing out the God-flavors of the world and you are lifting Jesus up. You are living in the way of Jesus. You are living like Jesus making the world a flavorful, full, attractive, zestful, and lively place to be!


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