Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Were do you get your spiritual nourishment from? Could it be from being kind to one another and drinking in the kindness of God? Could it have nothing at all to do with anger, evil, or violence of any kind? How do we really bring the kingdom of God to this earth?

So get rid of all evil behavior. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech. Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment, now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness.

I Peter 1:2-3

Could it be that when we are filled with thoughts of anger, wanting to hurt others, jealousy, and bitterness that we have not truly had an full expereince of salvation? Could it be that salvation includes so much more than "making it to heaven" and getting my pass through the "pearly gates" stamped accepted? Could it be that the experience is an ongoing transformative experience, not a one time one prayer fits all experience?
Sure we get to go to heaven. Sure we get to be with Christ when we pass from this life to the next, but how does that impact us right here and right now? How does our salvation truly impact the world right here and right now? If we get salvation as a one time experience and it never changes us into people who live out the kindness of God - what good is it really?
Cry out and begin to get the nourishment of God. Search for it, drink it in, and let it change the way you live everyday. Do more than just make sure you got your ticket stamped "accepted." Live, breath, and drink in the way of the master, the way of Jesus. Act it out with each person you meet in each day you have. Imagine a world where the people who call themselves Christian are not really worried about this title. Instead they are worred about being Christ-like, full of kindness as their God. They no longer have violent thoughts, jealousy, anger, worry, or evil thoughts and acts. Would not the kingdom of God become real in this life if we truly received our nourishment from the source of our creation? And that is the problem - we all think that we are separate from God and we just have to wait until that day....... Do we really or are we really connected to the living God through the gift of Christ? If we are then nourishment is available to us to turn us into the living kindness of God to others.

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