Monday, November 03, 2008


Equal is having the same quantity, measure, or value as another. I wonder if we really believe that if we call ourself a follower of the way of Jesus? Everyone is equal in the eyes of God. We all are children of God, even if we do not count ourselves as a follower of the way of Christ, we are a child of God. Even more should we recognize that we are the same if we count ourselves as followers of Christ.

In Christ's family there can be no division into Jew and non-Jew, slave and free, male and female. Among us you are all equal. That is, we are all in a common relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, since you are Christ's family, then you are Abraham's famous "descendant," heirs according to the covenant promises.
Galatians 3:28-29
How can this help me in my daily walk as a follower of Jesus? I hope that it will allow us to treat all people we meet as an equal. I hope that we could recognize that everyone we meet will be seen as a part of us. We will be effected by this and treat everyone with kindness, compassion, and love. There is no difference between me and the person on the other side of the world. We are children of God. We have been loved by the same God, and made for a purpose by the same God. It is a call to reach out to whomever is in front of me and love. In each moment that I have I need to remember that my only calling in this world is to love and to find the joy of God. There is no joy in hate. There is no joy in attempting to make others different than us and pointing out those differences. There is immense joy in finding out how we are equal, how we are the same, and how God is working everywhere for everyone. Stop looking for the differences and begin to look for what makes us the same - equal - we all have the same value. It is the whole meaning of

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