Friday, February 29, 2008


None of us like to suffer. We do not even like to hear or say the word. It is so difficult for us to go through times when we are not getting what we want, or things are not going the way that we think that they should. This is what we term as suffering. Suffering can be defined as an instance of pain or distress. Suffering comes many times from expecting our own way and not getting it rather than having a real instance of pain or distress. There are those times when real pain and distress enter our lives - the death of a loved one, the loss of a friend or marriage, etc, - but these are not always happening to most of us. Even when these this do happen we suffer because we tell ourselves that "it should not have happened that way." Anytime we think this, whether over the death of a loved one or the inability to get that new "toy" right now, suffering comes to us.

Since Jesus went through everything you're going through and more, learn to think like him. Think of your sufferings as a weaning from that old sinful habit of always expecting to get your own way. Then you'll be able to live out your days free to pursue what God wants instead of being tyrannized by what you want. 1 Peter 4:1-2
We need to think of our sufferings as opportunities to let go of how we think the world should work and begin to accept the way that God is working in the world. We can no longer expect to get our own way all the time. In fact, as we die to our self, we no longer have a way that is ours. We begin to have a way that is only about allowing God to work. We begin to deny ourselves, our ego, and begin to allow ourselves to accept that God is in control. We do not let God be in control. God already is in control - that is reality. Our sufferings are opportunities to actually see and accept this reality that we are blind to. Use those opportunities today and in your life to allow yourself to see and accept the reality of God. When we can do this our days are full of pursuits of living in connection to God and what is best for us, rather that in pursuit of and controlled by our ego and its wants. This is a hard lesson that I am constantly learning, but it is so freeing to learn it. Swimming with the current is so much easier than attempting to swim against it.

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