Wednesday, February 13, 2008


The very next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and yelled out, "Here he is, God's Passover Lamb! He forgives the sins of the world! This is the man I've been talking about, 'the One who comes after me but is really ahead of me.' I knew nothing about who he was—only this: that my task has been to get Israel ready to recognize him as the God-Revealer.
John 1:29
Jesus Christ is the God-Revealer. Think about that! Jesus reveals God. Reveal means to make known something concealed or secret or to bring to view and show. Jesus is God, but came in a human form to show us something that was once sealed or secret about God. Jesus shows us who God is, how God operates, and what God is. So when you think about Jesus what comes to mind? When you read about Jesus in the scriptures what do you remember about God? What does Jesus reveal to you about God?
I think that we should also be God-Revealer's. All I talk about in this blog is aimed at one purpose - to get us all to become God-Revealer's through our practice of spirituality. I do not think that we need to go around with tracks in our hands, Bible's ready at the hip, and looking to find the "sinners." We are all sinners, we all make decisions, we all do things that we wish we would not have done. I think that we need to look deeply within ourselves and see that those that we call "sinners" are just like us. They are us and we are them. We all as humans share this common theme of seperation from God at some time in our lives. I want to encouarage us all to become God-Revealer's and imitators of Christ through transformation of our hearts first. I pray that this transformation leads to the understanding that we are just like those we once saw as enemies. Since they are no longer enemies, but fellow journeymen/women in life, we love them. Through actions of love, a true knowing of the scriptures, and practices of selflessness we reveal God to others. We do not reveal God with a quoting of scripture that we have no experience of, or a confrontation of sin when we are not honest with our own. We actually build walls and hide God when this is what people encounter in someone who should be a God-Revealer. We are a God-Revelaer when we are patience, kind, loving, caring, and really know and experience the scripture acting it out without our Christian language.
Today think about how you could reveal God to others without them even being aware that this is what is happening. This is how Jesus encountered people. Jesus just loved, listened, showed kindness, was patience and somehow people left him with a deeper understanding about God. God was revealed. Be an imitator and then be a revealer.

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