Monday, February 04, 2008


We have a final solution to our perception of problems. This final solution is living in connection to God. The reality is all around us. We still continue to try to satisfied ourselves with our ego. We somehow forget that Christ came to show us how to live and open up the connection between ourselves and God. We no longer have to live in wonder about God's love for us or lack the confidence that God is caring for us. When we forget who we are and whose we are we begin to have the feelings of sadness, anger, and depression. We begin to attempt to solve these feelings through our ego by accumilating things, attempting to gain good opinions from others, and defining ourselves by our job. This leads to us over extending ourselves emotionally, financially, and physically. On and on the cycle goes until we can find a solution.

With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Those who enter into Christ's being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. A new power is in operation. The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death.
Romans 8:1-2
What a life we lead sometimes at the brutal tyranny of sin. Over and over we live a cycle that leads to the death of our spirits. We forget we are totally loved by the all powerful loving source of creation. When we enter into the reality, that is there all the time, we no longer live in this "sin cycle," believing that we are seperated from God. We no longer sense the presence of God, the spirit of God, not because God went anywhere - we just began to believe something different and no longer could see God here. There is a solution to every problem that you have. Begin to see everything and anything through the lense of your spirituality and the hope of Christ. Will this take away all your frustration, pain, sadness and make you happy every moment of the day. NO. It will give you a sense of deep peace and joy that is beyond understanding.
Live in connection to God today by thinking about the solution. Tell yourself you are loved and that the things going on around you have nothing to do with your worth - that question is solved. God is here. Think it until you believe it and believe it until you know it. Meditate on it, memorize the scripture above, place it where you see it everyday. Take steps everyday to move your life forward. Little steps everyday will lead to a realizing that you have arrived later.

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