Thursday, April 24, 2008

Vibrational Match

Vibration means the act of vibrating, the condition of being vibrated. In physics it is a rapid linear motion of a particle or of an elastic solid about an equilibrium position. Wow, what in the heck does this mean? Simply, sounds are vibrations. We hear things because the waves vibrate our ear drum. That little bone in our ear called the anvil and the hammer actually get hit by the vibrations in the air and hit the eardrum, the brain processes the information and we "hear" something. All of it starts from a vibration. Some things vibrate slow and some vibrate fast. Everything has an energy that is said to vibrate at some level. It is why use the word vibrate as a slang when we say things like "that place or person gives off a certian vib." What we are saying is that it gives off a certain energy.
I am saying all this for us to begin to think about what things are we a vibrational or energy match to? Do we match God as the vibration that the Creator gives off, or are we vibrating much lower in our energy? To be connected to God we must vibrate at God's "frequency." How do we do that you are asking now. Well there is a verse that I think speaks directly to this:

Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.
Philippians 4:8-9
You see God makes things work together at this vibrational level, the level of filling our minds and thoughts (which are also energy vibrations) with good things. This verse even tells us that we will be worked into God's most excellent harmonies (singing and music are vibrations) if we can make this a practice in our life. This is not only about how we think, but what other energies are we allow ourselves to be in the presence of? Do you really feel good after watching the news or read about all the tradegy in the papers? Do you feel better thinking about how you won't make it and sit around and worry about all the ways that this will happen? Do you feel better hanging out with that negative, worriesome, angry person? Make changes in this today. Turn off the t.v., read something inspirational. Encourage that negative person and then let them go on their way. Connect to the highest vibrational level you can - God. Be a vibrational match to God and God's mind. Read Philippians chapter two, it tells you what God's mind is full of!

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