Tuesday, April 15, 2008


How hard it is for us to show kindness at times. We are taught for so long in our lives to "stand up for your rights" and "don't let anyone run over you." We see it as a weakness to be kind to someone if we feel they have wronged us. We feel this need to be "right" and to "prove our point." I believe that kindness actually takes more strength, and is a higher calling to a spiritually connected life.

So clean house! Make a clean sweep of malice and pretense, envy and hurtful talk. You've had a taste of God. Now, like infants at the breast, drink deep of God's pure kindness. Then you'll grow up mature and whole in God.
I Peter 2:1-3
Clean house we are told. Get rid of any malice and pretense, envy and hurtful talk. Wow, is all I can say to that. We all know what malice, envy and hurtful talk is, but what about pretense? Pretense can be defined as the act of pretending; a false appearance or action intended to deceive. To even "act" kind is not kindness. God's kindness is pure, it is like the milk that a baby drink from its mother's breast. It is said that a mother's milk helps babies to have a better immune system and gives the the antibodies they need to fight disease as they grow. God's kindness to us, this pure kindness, should have the same impact on us helping us to grow up mature and whole in God. What is mature and whole? If Jesus is the ideal, was not Jesus' kindness pure? Did he not act without envy, malice, pretense, or hurtful talk? You see we call ourselves Christ followers, but find it so difficult to be kind to those whom we think have harmed us. Even those that do not even know they harmed us, like the person who was driving in front of us this morning in a manner that we did not like. To give way to people we have been taught is weakness. To allow forgiveness to overtake us is a weakness. It is so hard to see that picking kindness over being right is actually a strength that far outweighs and is more productive than any demands we place on others or the world. If I demand my rights when I feel like a waiter has not given me proper service, do I get better service or somone being even more passive aggressive and angry. How do people see us when we become demanding? If I am kind to that same waiter what do I get in return? Kindness back is the response. The best service I may have ever received!
Practice kindness and clean house. See if you do not feel better and the circumstances of your life begin to change. Life becomes more postive, people help you more, and God seems to be there for you at every turn. Spiritual maturity is a strength that will profit you for more than standing up for your ego.

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