Sunday, April 06, 2008


We have grown up with being taught things like "grap all you can," and "get the most out of life, you have only one." I do not disagree with these sayings, but maybe there is another way to go about living them out.

If you grasp and cling to life on your terms, you'll lose it, but if you let that life go, you'll get life on God's terms. Luke 17:33
So are you trying hard to grasp and cling to life on your terms. Jesus reminds us that we will lose it if we try and do that. Imagine for a moment that you place your hand in a pool of water. How would you keep water in your hand? If you cup your hand you can fill your hand up with water and have as much as you like. However, as soon as you attempt to grab the water what happens? The water no longer stays in your hand, you lose it. This is how our life works. If we would like to grasp and cling to our life, our life comes to ruin. In actually attempting to hold onto the things in our life we actually lose them.
Think about it for a moment. What happens between a parent and a teenager when a parent attempts to grasp or hold onto to them very tight by making extreme rules and constantly staying on them because the parent is worried? The parent "loses" their child. The teen attempts to get as far as they can from the parent, they distance themselves. Think about it in a marriage. When one of the partners is attempting to make sure they are loved and desperately "hold" and "grab" the other partner through questions and constant worry, does that partner come closer or move further away? We can give example after example of how attempting to grasp and hold things on our terms actually causes the loss of them. Think about it at work. You so deperately want to grab for that promotion that your anxiety becomes a hinderance. You begin to make mistakes because you are worried about making them. Your boss picks someone else. So today try to just cup your hand around the things that are important to you. Allow them to move freely. Allow God to move them freely. Life on God's terms is one of peace. Avoid extremes in your life. Avoid being prideful and thinking that you always have it right. Avoid being extravagant and trying to grab all you can, there is no way to hold it all and keep it. Allow yourself to "let go and let God."

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