Tuesday, January 13, 2009

God Selves

Ever thought about the idea that you are a creation of God? Really, have you stopped to think about it and what that means? We all identify ourselves through our physical body - who our parents are, what we look like, what blood type we are, what we wear. What if we began to identify ourselves as God's? You see when we do not identify ourselves as God's we are walking in the darkness of life. We are not "plugged in" to the source of our creation and live in darkness. When we plug in to God through Christ, we find life and light. We find out who we really are.

The Life-Light was the real thing: Every person entering Life he brings into Light. He was in the world, the world was there through him, and yet the world didn't even notice. He came to his own people, but they didn't want him. But whoever did want him, who believed he was who he claimed and would do what he said, He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves. These are the God-begotten, not blood-begotten, not flesh-begotten, not sex-begotten.
John 1:9-13
Do you notice? Have you noticed that you are God-begotten? Has this changed your life? Has the light and life of God changed your life? Do not miss the life of God that is in you right now. Do not miss the light that is offered because you think there is something better out there for you. This is your true self - you are a child of God - you are a piece of God created by God.

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