Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shaped Thoughts

So what shapes your thoughts? I think it is very powerful for us to understand how our brain works. The brains can be seen in three parts - the brain stem, the cortex, and the limbic system. Each have there own specific function, but work together like an orchestra, to play the symphony of life. The brain stem houses our automatic functionings - our heartbeat, our breath, etc. It also interplays with the limbic system through the amygdala. This is the place in the brain that is always "on the look out for fear" and causes that flight or fight response in us. This process will trigger the release of neurotransmitters into the brain causes your neurons - or brain cells - to start "talking" to one another. They do this by passing these chemicals, like adrenaline, to each other and triggering an actual physical response. This is why people can feel like they are having a heart attack, but go to the hospital and be told that they are having a panic attack. Your body actually "feels" and gets ready to respond by running away or fighting. However, if there is really nothing to be scared of these chemcials are not used and our body is all worked up with nowhere to go and nothing to do.
This is what shapes our lives and our thoughts. If we had an experience when we were younger that was scary for us, this process happened. It is why we are scared of the water, or dogs, or certain places, or the dark, etc. Our brain actually remembers these events and a neuropathway is worn out in our brain. Our brain remembers this experience to keep us safe in the future. If we are scared of dogs, this pathway in our brain has been used so much that all we have to do is think about dogs and we begin to feel panic and fear. The brain begins it work of protecting yourself. Imagine the implications for relationships! When you fear that you will be hurt, abandoned, lost, unloved - maybe like before - your go into flight or fight response. It only take the slightest similiarity to that past experience to make this happen! Your body is triggered by the thought and the brain performs its process of preparing you to flight or fight, even if it is not real! It only has to be perceived or thought about and your body thinks it is real. A wonder process of our brain given to us by God to keep us safe, but it has been twisted because of our disconnection from God. Think about this verse in light of the above:

We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity.
2 Corinthians 10:5
Sometimes are thoughts are shaped by some warped philosophies that tear down the truth about who we are and what is really going on around us. So we need to take every thought and fit into the life that is shaped by Christ. We have the tools to change our neuropathways and think differently. We can shape our thoughts and thereby shape our feelings and our lives! More on this in the morning!

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