Thursday, September 18, 2008

Inside World

So what is picture of your inside world. To continue on the theme of looking at how your brain, your heart, your mind operate we need to look at the words of Jesus:

"You're blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world."
Matthew 5:8
We have been talking about how our biology effects our heart and our mind. We have been talking about how we think about the experiences we have in daily life, the meaning that we put to them, and the impact that has on how we see things, but also on how we feel, and how we act. Can you understand your heart? My answer is a hearty - yes! It takes work, patience, practice, and insight. It takes asking yourself "why am I reacting like this?" It takes time to "be still and know" God. We begin to be in control of our brain, our biology, our reactions, our view of life. We are the commander in the command center. The brain is the command center, but our spirit - our heart- our mind - is the commander in the commander center. This is why Jesus told us that it is from the heart that we "vomit" up anger and sin. We need to realize that we are in command! Do not give up command today and think that "there is nothing I can do." Do not give up command and think that "satan made me do it." Do not give up command and say that "I cannot control others."
Instead realize that you have command. Realize that your heart controls the reactions of your brain, develops the neuropathways that it will follow, and that it can be changed with practice and growing closer to thinking the way God thinks about things. Realize that when you give up your perception of life, you gain a new and more fullfilling perspective of life. Jesus told us that "when you lose your life your will find it." Jesus tells us hear again in the verse above that to see to find ultimate happiness - that is seeing God everywhere - we must get our inner heart and mind in the right place. As I always say - change the way you think about things and things change!

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