Monday, September 15, 2008

Perfect Peace

So we have looked at how your thoughts are shaped through your experiences and how your biology helps to cement these thoughts and make them reality, even though they may not be any part of reality, just our thoughts and feelings about an experience. So understanding this can lead us to a place of perfect peace. Children do not have these patterns of thinking and their minds are opened and untaouched by unpleasent thoughts or conditions that might ordinarily be considered painful. This is a mind that is naturally peaceful and at perfect peace. The child's mind does not analyize, judge, or evalute. The child's mind merely sees with the innocent perspective and accepts everything it sees. This can be called natural peace. So can we get back to that place? I think we need to and it is why Jesus said:

"Let the children alone, don't prevent them from coming to me. God's kingdom is made up of people like these."
Matthew 19:13-15
So we must practice developing new neuropathways that help us confront the fears, anxiety, and anger that we expereince each day. The importance of prayer and meditation becomes apparent when you look at how the mind works and why the scripture is full of passages like this one:
People with their minds set on you, you keep completely whole (Message version)
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Isaiah 26:3
When we practice keeping our minds focused on "right thinking" this will lead to "right action" and then this will lead to perfect peace. We no longer focus on the negative parts of life and we can have a mind, a brain, that is untouched again by thoughts or conditions that we have seen as painful. This does take some effort and practice. Your brain is pliabile, it is moldable, you are not a fixed person, but always able to change. This to me is the meaning of "working out your won salvation with fear and trembling." It is the meaning to me of having the mind of Christ. Your spirituality has a great impact on your physical and biological parts of yourself. You are a whole being. Remember that you are. Sit quietly today for just three minutes and attempt to foucs on your breath and just notice what thoughts come up. Do not try to change them, just notice them. Start to become aware of your automatic thoughts. Once aware you can begin to start a new pathway of thinking, but only once you notice what you are really thinking and what is not true about it and how these thoughts have been driving your behavior and fears. Change the way you think about the world and your world changes.

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