Monday, July 28, 2008


From what perspective do you view your world? From what individual and personal perception, judgment, or interpretation do you think about the world around you? How you do will define what actions you take, what the events in you life mean to you, and what you think others people's behaviors and comments mean. According to our intereptation of these things, our reactions will be different. If we think people are talking about us, do not like us, and the events of our lives are a sign that God does not care, we will react to the world in a way that will be self defeating and negative. We may be full of frustration, anger, and depression. However, if we see that people are doing the best they can, most everything that others say or do is not personal, and God is at work in every moment of our lives, we can be full of peace, hope, and confidence.

It's important to look at things from God's point of view. I would rather not see you inflating or deflating reputations based on mere hearsay.
1 Corinthians 4:6
What is God's point of view? We are loved. We are spiritual beings. We are the image of God. We are cared for more than the grass and the animals and they get what they need daily. We are important to God. We are not our physical bodies or the things we have or what we can accumilate. We are children of God. We can have fun and trust. We can have the mind of Christ. We are made to live in the moments we have. We are made to connect with God.
Have a different point of view today. Look at things through the eyes of God. Remember whose you are and live like a child that does not worry or fear, but has fun and enjoys each moment they live in. Stop making assumptions about other people's behavior and understand that people are trying to do their best. Realize that you are a spiritual being having a human experience and not a human being trying to have a spiritual experience. Let go and let God.

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