Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Play Second Fiddle

How often do we really want to play "second chair" to someone? How often to we allow someone else to get the glory and we stay "shy" in our interactions with others? I do not mean shy like embarrassed to interact with another person, but shy in the sense that we are marked by reserve, we allow someone else to be seen, to be known.

Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.
Romans 12:9-10
This kind of love can only come from the center of who we are, because at the center of who we are is a spiritual being created by God for community with others. Think of the concept of the trinity. There is a father, spirit, and son. They each point to the other, each of them is "shy" and "play second fiddle" to the other. The spirit points to Christ, Christ points to the father. God has no ego. God did not create us because he was bored and just needed someone to talk to. God created us because God wanted us to experience the perfect community that was expereinced by the trinity. This is a community where people play second fiddle, that are shy in their dealings with each other, and comes from the center of who they are - the spirit of God within them.
So today play second fiddle and be shy. Allow others to "get the glory." Allow others to be seen and heard. Allow yourself to have the mind of Christ and make your inner mantra today "how may I serve?" What amazing things would happen if we all did that?

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