Tuesday, May 27, 2008


How often are we wanting to impress someone? How often do we really leave someone impressed with us? What does it mean that we impressed someone? It means to affect strongly, often favorably. How do we do that with others in our life?

At dawn's first light, the high priests, with the religious leaders and scholars, arranged a conference with the entire Jewish Council. After tying Jesus securely, they took him out and presented him to Pilate.
Pilate asked him, "Are you the 'King of the Jews'?"
He answered, "If you say so." The high priests let loose a barrage of accusations.
Pilate asked again, "Aren't you going to answer anything? That's quite a list of accusations." Still, he said nothing. Pilate was impressed, really impressed.
Mark 15:1-5
Pilate was impressed with Jesus not saying a word. Jesus did not stand in front of him and plead a case, or attempt to convince him that that everyone was wrong and he was right. Jesus just stood there and let Pilate be right.
What would it be like if we could do the same thing? What if instead of pleading our case people people in an attempt to impress them, we just allow them to think and be right? What if the people, who called themselves God's people, just loved others with this kind of humility? In a world where we are taught to stand up for our rights and not let anyone have the upper hand, what would happen if we just allowed others to say what they needed to say, listened, and actually heard them? Could we really impress them then? I do not think that people are impressed by our best arguments or logical cases. I think that people are impressed when they feel like we hear them, love them, and understand them. Impress people today and place them first, even in what may seem like the most horrible of circumstances. Let your boss be heard, your coworkers, your family, and your friends. Hear them before you go to make your point to show them how they are wrong. Two things may happen - you may find out that they you understand them better and they are impressed with you when you do.

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