Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Take Heart

Be patient today. Take heart today. Be confident and courageous. Hard words when we feel pressured and hurried to make sure that things are happening in a certain way. We begin to become frustrated and ask God "why are you doing this to me?" The actual case is that God is not doing anything bad to us, we just do not think it is going like we think it should go. We begin to want to take control of whatever situation we are in. We want to forget about God and we attempt to make it happen our way.

I'm sure now I'll see God's goodness in the exuberant earth. Stay with God! Take heart. Don't quit. I'll say it again: Stay with God. Psalm 27:13-14
When we attempt to have things happen our way rather than staying with God, we have a very hard time seeing the goodness of our Creator. We must be sure that we will see God's goodness in the manner that God will show it to us. It is much like planting a tomato seed and having to let the plant grow. When the plant comes up from the ground after many days of waiting and we want there to be tomatoes, we would all say that it is not time yet. We would have to be patient and wait. But if we go and water it more, pull at the leaves, give it more fertilizer, and more sun we will kill the plant not hurry it's growth. We end up having to start the whole process over again and it will just be that much longer before we have tomatoes.
Wait on God today and take heart. To take heart means to have courage and to be confident. So as confident that you are that tomatoes will come when you allow the process to happen, be that cofident that goodness will come if you allow the Creator to create out of process. Stay with God and do not try to make this move faster or different because then you miss the goodness and peace that is coming.

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