Saturday, March 15, 2008


Consciousness is a sense of one's personal or collective identity, including the attitudes, beliefs, and sensitivities. How conscious are we in our life with God? How much are we having an awareness of our environment and and our own existence, sensations, and thoughts? We are encouraged to have live a life that is totally aware:

Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God.
I Peter 1:18
We are on a journey. How are you traveling? How aware are we that we are actually on a journey? What do we actually believe, think about, feel, and make decisions? Many people have no idea of taking this life journey with this kind awareness. Many think that we can mindlessly go through life with no awareness of our inner self. We accept our doubts blindly and never doubt our doubts. We actually believe our doubts and they drive our feelings, our decisions and our actions. Our doubts come from our own ego's and fears about what could happen and how hard things can be; and who wants to do hard things when easy things are available. We travel on this journey of life with no awareness, or deep consciousness, of God. We doubt that we can do something great. We doubt that we could find a different job or career. We doubt that church or people could actually help us. All these doubts serve to make us feel stuck and scared.
Doubt your doubts today. Are your doubts really real? Or are doubts just that - doubts - our fear wanting us to remain stuck. Doubt them all today so that you can see that on the other side of doubt is great hope, confidence and reason to move forward with faith in a God that you are now aware and deeply conscious of.

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