Monday, October 20, 2008

Step Down

Do you want your life to count? Do you want the things that you do to matter? Then there is only one way to make this happen - step down. This is so counter to the intution we have and the way we have been taught. I have to remember this so many times in my life. I need to just serve others, step down and let God be God.

Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you'll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you're content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty.
Matthew 23:11-12
Remember that you have been given all you need by just being yourself. There is nothing else you need in order to make your life count for plenty. There is nothing that you are lacking, there is no need to worry, there is no need to make something happen faster. I have to remember that just being a servant and simply being who I am, the way that God created my to be is enough for my life to count. My life will stand out, not by being famous or being known, but by loving and serving those in need.
Today, simply be yourself. Step down from the worry and concern about not being noticed or needed. Become the servant to the people that you encounter and allow them to be served by God through you. I need to remember this today, we need to remember this today. God has all we need and God will work our life out with no help from us. We need to simply be ourself and step down from any illusion that we are "doing" anything in our lives to make it count. Enjoy today, enjoy your life by serving others and being yourself.

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