Thursday, October 16, 2008


I love this word! Just thinking and saying it gives an idea of freedom and relaxation. The specific definition is generous or large in area or extent; roomy and vast in range or scope. This is what our life should be like. Sadly, for many of us and for much of the time in our life, we do not feel like life is vast and open. We feel more like it is closed, boxed in, with very few choices. How can that be?

Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God's action in them find that God's Spirit is in them—living and breathing God! Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing.
Romans 8:5-7
This seems to be a pretty clear explanation. We all let our ego get in the way. We let it get in the way in our marriages. We think about ourselves too much and what our partner "should" or "should not" be doing. We think about how our life would be more spacious if "they" would do things the way we need them. We let our ego get in the way at work. We tell ourselves the same things there. We let our ego get in the way with our friends, our church, our families, and every day to day activity that we have. We think about how people should or should not be doing something they are doing, or we think about what we need in order to feel satisfied and free. This is the opposite of focusing on God. This is the opposite of spacious. I know when I focus on myself I do forget and ignore that I have the living breathing God within me.
Focus on God today, give God all your attention. See if God is not there within you, everywhere. Watch, feel, and listen to how spacious life becomes for you when ego is let go of. Watch, feel, and listen to how life begins to slow down when it does not have to operate your way. Feel the relaxtion come over you as you let go of what is important to you and let God become the sole focus of your attention. Spacious, the way life is lived in God.

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