Tuesday, June 17, 2008


How thoughtful are we really? Look at the definition of the word thoughtful -
1. Engrossed in thought; contemplative.
2. Exhibiting or characterized by careful thought
3. Having or showing heed for the well-being or happiness of others and a propensity for anticipating their needs or wishes.
So how often do we really take the time to be "engrossed" in thought? How often do we show others that we are careful about the choices that we make and the things we think about? The last definition is my favorite, because how many times do we really give others the importance in life to let their well-being and happiness come first, much less anticipating what they may need because we are being thoughtful? In our fast paced, rush around, get things done right now culture, it is really hard for us to sit down and be thoughtful. We all wonder why people are no longer nice and kind, why people seem to be so rude and uncaring. I believe it is in part due to our failure to be thoughtful.
Life ascends to the heights for the thoughtful—it's a clean about-face from descent into hell. God smashes the pretensions of the arrogant;he stands with those who have no standing.
Proverbs 15:24-25
Life can be lifted up and to the highest places for those of us who make a determination to be thoughtful. Life is smashed for those of us who wish to be arrogant and proud, not thoughtful. Being thoughtful and methodical about our lives, leads us places of kindness and love. I believe that Jesus was thoughtful. Jesus looked out for the needs of others. Jesus could anticipate them. Now you may say that this is because he is God, and this is true. However, I believe that we are commanded to have the same mind in us that was in Christ. We must be thoughtful ourselves. I know that if we are thoughtful about ourselves, taking the time to be contemplative and careful about who we are, that we will be able to anticipate the needs of others and look out for their happiness. Why? Because when we know ourselves in this kind of intimate way, when we know how we hurt, why we hurt, what makes us happy, and what makes us angry; we begin to see ourselves in others and we can anticipate when someone is hurting and what they may need. We know what this feels and looks like in us and we can recognize it in others.
Practice being thoughtful today. Be thoughtful about yourself, your feelings, your thoughts. Before you do anything today - eat, drink, speak, write, walk - be thoughtful about your actions before you take them. Watch as you begin to be more aware of yourself, how much more aware you become of others and their needs. Life begins to slow down to a pace that is characterized by patience, love and kindness. Watch your life ascend!

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