Friday, June 06, 2008


If you have been in the desert for hours I wonder how much you would long for your thirst to be quenched? What would it be like to spend all day in the hot sun and then finally get a drink of cold water? How much would you long and wish and hope for something cool and wet to touch your lips, mouth and throat? What would happen if we longed for God in that manner? How much would we search for God in everything we encounter, rather than look for the ways that we think that God does not show up? We begin to know God when we long for God the way we would for water when thirst is great.

My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your word.
Psalms 119:81
You will know and find God when you long for God. When you long for God you begin to look for God everywhere you go and in everything you do. Since God is everywhere, you will find God. It is when we do not long for God that we do not find God. It is when there is no longing that we are looking for all the ways, the evidence, that God is not there or not here. It is only when I get thirsty enough that I begin to look for water and when my search ends I am completely satisfied and it is the best water I have every had. Long for God today. Desire God today. Be satisfied at every turn when God is there. A longing for God will create the behaviors and actions that lead you right to our Creator.

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