Tuesday, February 10, 2009


To restore is to bring back to an original condition and to put (someone) back in a former position. Jesus said that he came to do this. I wonder sometimes if that is happening with us? Have I been put back to my original condition? Have I allowed myself to be placed back in my former position of being in perfect relationship with God? Have I really allowed myself to understand the enormity of what Jesus said when he said:

"For the Son of Man came to find and restore the lost."
Luke 19:10
This is not a promise of "one day" somewhere out there in the future we will be found and restored. This is not something that we have to wait on to get here only when Jesus appears or when we have moved on. This is something that can happen now! If you have claimed to be a follower of the way of Jesus then this promise is here for you now. You are restored and God sees you in your original condition. You are loved, cared for, and are a very well loved child of God. This is your original condition and your position in life. This is not just a "saving" out of something but a calling into something and a restoration back to something.
How would it change your life to see yourself through spiritual eyes? I wonder how it would change how you live your life? I wonder how it would change the view of yourself and your view of others? Are we really called to make sure people get "saved" and then move on to the next person so that we can make sure that they get "saved?" Could it be that we are called to find people who are lost and wondering? People who think that they do not matter to anyone, that God has forgotten them, that there is no hope. Could it be that we are called to find them and help them restore their lives, bring them back to their original condition and former place with God. That this restoration happens now is this life, that they find that eternal life starts right now, that we can die while we are alive and leave the worries of this world to the world?
Are we really restored or are we still waiting for something else to "make us feel better," something else to "make us feel secure?" What good does it do to pray and prayer thinking that will secure us to heaven and it never make a difference in out life today? Do we continue to worry and feel insecure? If we are then we have not found salvation. If we are we have not really been saved from anything. If we are there is no restoration.

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