Friday, February 13, 2009

All You Have

So if the kingdom of heaven is not just something that I get to obtain "out there" somewhere after my physical body dies, but is something that I can have a taste of here, how much is it worth? If we could have just a taste of peace, kindness, love, and eternal life now how much would you pay for that?

"God's kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field for years and then accidentally found by a trespasser. The finder is ecstatic—what a find!—and proceeds to sell everything he owns to raise money and buy that field.
"Or, God's kingdom is like a jewel merchant on the hunt for excellent pearls. Finding one that is flawless, he immediately sells everything and buys it."
Matthew 13:44-46
This puts new meaning to the Jesus' words in the last post - "what does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his soul?" If we find the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God by living the way of Jesus right now what is that worth to us? Are we willing to give up our reputation to live in the kingdom of God? Are we willing to be kind to others, love them, and make them feel special and give up what we think is our reputation? Are we willing to give up coming in first to find peace in giving up our lives for others in love? Are we willing to give up the need for attention or the need to be right to be kind and loving first? If we do all these things we find peace, joy, love - eternal life, the kingdom of God, heaven now! Are we really willing to give up "our lives" and let our lives "be hidden in Jesus" and give up, sell all that we think we have to gain this? I wonder again if this is what Jesus means when he says
"If you don't go all the way with me, through thick and thin, you don't deserve me. If your first concern is to look after yourself, you'll never find yourself. But if you forget about yourself and look to me, you'll find both yourself and me."
Matthew 10:39

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Clint. I think that there's very little teaching on this in the church in America today.
If you've read the "Heavenly Man" you'll readily see that Brother Yun understands this principal, as does many others who have had a part in the underground church in China. That's why it's the fast growing segment of the church in the world.