Sunday, January 03, 2010


Jesus said:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."

John 14:6

Way means:

A road, path, or highway affording passage from one place to another.
An opening affording passage.
Space to proceed.
Opportunity to advance.
A course that is or may be used in going from one place to another.
Progress or travel along a certain route or in a specific direction.
A course of conduct or action.
A manner or method of doing.
A usual or habitual manner or mode of being, living, or acting

Truth means:

A proven or verified principle or statement.
Faithful reproduction or portrayal the truth of a portrait
An obvious fact; truism; platitude
Honesty, reliability, or veracity
Accuracy, as in the setting, adjustment, or position of something

Life means:

The state or quality that distinguishes living beings or organisms from dead ones and from inorganic matter.
The period between birth and death
A living person or being to save a life
The time between birth and the present time
The remainder or extent of one's life
The amount of time that something is active or functioning.
A present condition, state, or mode of existence
The state or quality of being faithful

Through means:

In one side and out the opposite or another side of
Among or between; in the midst of
By way of
By the means or agency of
Into and out of the handling, care, processing, modification, or consideration of
Here and there in; around
From the beginning to the end of
At or to the end of; done or finished with, especially successfully
Up to and including
Because of; on account of
From one end or side to another or an opposite end or side
From beginning to end; completely
Jesus said that he is the way, the truth and the life. The way means that he came and showed us a path, a way to live, that leads us to truth and life. He is the truth because he is the actual "reproduction" of God here on earth. He, God, came to show us how to live. Living this way, the truth, brings us life. This brings us life not only in the next life, but in the life we are in right here, right now.
You see that most of us that call ourselves "Christian" look only for Jesus to return and to "save" us from this life. We give little thought that Jesus came to show us how to live this life with principles of truth that will lead us to a happy and fullfilled life NOW! Yes, Jesus died on a cross for our sins so that we could be with God forever. He was our substitution, our lamb, our sacrifice, our payment. However, that death on the cross was also there to show us how to live a life of love, sacrifice, and compassion ourselves. This is what leads to life here on this earth.
Jesus stated this over and over. Paul stated this over and over. Yet we continue to forget that Jesus saying that he is the way, the truth, and the life is not just about the cross and his death, but also about the manner is which we live.
So today, live as Christ would. Forgive those around you. Do not show condemnation or anger, but love and kindness. Think on and see the good in all things and people around you. Be thankful for what is in your life rather than worried about what is not in your life. This will bring you life and joy NOW! This will also bring us to God the Father! We go through the way of living Jesus taught. Then we will find God living and being in our lives NOW! No one comes to the father except through Jesus and his way of love!